Friday, May 2, 2008

2 - CCC 557-558

CCC 557-558
Context: Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem.I am tempted to not address the Catechism and Bible references that don’t refer to our personal peace. Some seem to refer only to a specific situation like Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem. But I have so much to learn about peace, I don’t want to miss any tidbit so I will be taking even these specific situations and applying them personally.

CCC 557-558
557. When the days drew near for him to be taken up (Jesus) set his face to go to Jerusalem.'[Lk 9:51; cf. Jn 13:1 .] By this decision he indicated that he was going up to Jerusalem prepared to die there. Three times he had announced his Passion and Resurrection; now, heading toward Jerusalem, Jesus says: 'It cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem.'[Lk 13:33 ; cf. Mk 8:31-33 ; Mk 9:31-32 ; Mk 10:32-34 .]
558. Jesus recalls the martyrdom of the prophets who had been put to in Jerusalem. Nevertheless he persists in calling Jerusalem to gather around him: 'How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!'[Mt 23:37] When Jerusalem comes into view he weeps over her and expresses once again his heart's desire: 'Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes.'[Lk 19:41-42]

“Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes.” Luke 19:41-42

I heartily believe that Jesus wants a soul drenching peace for us. He came bearing the title Prince of Peace, and peace is an embodiment of both His love for us and our love for others. This is not to say that not feeling peaceful is somehow a lack of God’s love. His love is a stark reality that does not rely on how or if we feel it. Being able to feel peace simply makes it easier for us to pass on God’s love and spread His peace to others.

In this passage from Luke, Jesus is wishing that Jerusalem could find peace. But because of the state of the city and the people in it, peace is hidden from them.

Jesus is wishing peace for me too. What is it in my life that is keeping it hidden?

Action Items:
Keep saying Bl. Elizabeth’s prayer.
Respond slowly.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the things hiding peace from you.

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